post-Lent reflections: On decisions and hindsight.

12:08 AM

"Give me a week to think about whether or not to shift to Civil Engineering" This was my friend who was on the same page as mine: to shift to another course. Reoccuring the situation, I did the same, to contemplate if I made the right choice. On the contrary, it turned out nothing for I lost track of my plan. I blame my inseparable bond with internet for this.

I began the habit of reading a bible diary which has daily Scriptures on each day. So let me quote what I've read from a reflection from the day's Gospel (Lk 24:13-35)

"'If you think too long about your next step, you might die standing on one leg!' Fair enough! Life is a mystery. As a mystery, "life is to be lived forward and backwards" (Kieregaard). We make decisions informed by faith and morals. Some of them seemingly succeed, some others seemingly fail. But if we built our lives on good foundations, we will eventually find that everything makes sense within the grand design of God. But this needs the wisdom to "understand backwards"." (Year of Faith Bible Diary 2013)

I am not much of a believer of signs, but then it came knocking on me.I haven't realized them until I read the reflection, believing that they're just circumstances that happens to everyone in the universe.Signs like these needs hindsight. Don't make yourself blind.

We used to plan on what do we want to be in the future(e.g. getting married to a band vocalist; or at least to Daniel Padilla. hahaha). Yet we do not act on it.We are used to hear about people not having greener pastures.You know, the ones graduating with the most prestigious awards back in college. In the end, one word come out of our mouths: Sayang.

I've learned that our seeds of decisions should be watered with good foundations in order to bear good outcomes. We do not rely on temporary gains.Back then I believed that choosing this course would give me  a green pasture in the future. But it's not the course itself, it's on how we manage to struggle and build a good foundation.When that "future" comes, we tend to develop our hindsight; We will know what we have done right or wrong.

I may have said this a few times in my previous blog.And so it was decided: I am staying as an Industrial Engineering student for the second year! I am blessed with people who gave me light and ideas and at the same time supporting me of my discernment.

I might say this,by far,would be my best decision ever.

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