1:26 AM

Some might say making new year's resolutions are sometimes a fuss and they don't really work at all. Personally, I think a change of another year means having a fresh start, to become better for ourselves and for others. Back then I amuse myself whenever we write a date in our Book Report in elementary I'd constantly put the date of the previous year instead of the present one. That sometimes tell me like " Wow how fast time has passed PLUS YOU'RE NOW A YEAR OLDER!" Save the "turning a year older" part in the next post.

Before moving forward, just a little recap of my 2013 new year's resolutions and whatever happened to them.
  • I haven't improved on my coffee abstinence. I swear I begin to be more clingy to coffee these days and it has been my reliable source of energy for a long day work at school. I've been calling myself a coffee vendo junkie from the countless trips to the convenience store.
  • My financial habits became worse. One of my resolutions was to "cut the spendings and save up for a bank account". I did earn myself a good amount....at first. Then I became overwhelmed with it and became a bad spender. It reached to a point where I had a large debt from a classmate. I'd give myself an F- even if it is nonexistent.
  • On the greener grass, discouraging myself on the consumption of junk food by watching YouTube videos displaying the dark corners of fast food did work.
And now time to set myself some new resolutions!
  1. get myself some kickass abs- No not the large meaty one you see in health magazines. Family and friends telling me I got wider was encouraging, really.
  2. Be less bitchy to friends- That one almost lost me a few good friends to stick around. To be honest, I'm not the pity-looking friend who'd give you a cake just to accept my apology. I don't even know how to start making an apology. So just to be safe, I'll try not to be the person to start the flame before smoke alarm triggers. Oh and that includes being a good gift giver cause I just suck at giving presents.
  3. Update my life happenings. I'm addicted to twitter and Instagram but I'd like to share my life chronicles in this blog as well.
  4. Check my emails more often. Sweet offers such as on sale Plane tickets and discounts are sure not to be missed. Also important notifications are already given through mail so I have to keep myself updated.
  5. Keep an eye on concerts and recent happenings around the city. I got extremely jealous when one of my best friends went to Bazooka Rocks music fest. Until it became worse when I heard the Two Door Cinema Club was supposed to have a concert but it was cancelled and I just got the news from people I followed on twitter. I perfectly remembered it I cried over it. Although it is a bit impossible to make it to a concert that is a few thousand miles away from you but who knows! Plane tickets come cheap these days. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed , okay?!
  6.  Make myself feel good and minimize insecurity issues. I'm a girl I sometimes stoop myself down when  a pretty girl passes by and the kaboom where are my self esteem could be hiding around the corners of the unseen dimension but the point is I am an insecure person. I slouch a lot and sometimes divert my being unpretty to someone who do crazy stunts after consuming a sundae. I'm trying to help myself starting from now on BECAUSE I'M FRIGGIN NINETEEN WOW. Man I'm starting to love DIY beauty videos!
Tada! That's pretty much it! Ive prepared just a few ones because it gets struggling to have too many of them. There may be instances that I may be out of track of my resolutions but I want to make sure I feel better for myself after a year.

Please do let me know if you have your new year's resolutions, I'd love to hear it from you! Have a great 2014 ahead!

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