Pool party poopers

3:52 AM

What just happened three weeks ago:

  1. Had a kickass all night pool party
  2. It's my first time this year to poop in a public place and God it took me a long time to go through the hole to the place where poops should live.
  3. Met a few friends and had a drink which I'm not supposed to do coz i'm ~good perzon~, but I suppose a few won't do harm.
  4. The next thing I knew, I gorged heaps of peanut in my mouth and had wobbly legs.
  5. Though I can't think clearly, I jumped on the pool anyway, like I'm gonna drown pfft!
  6. While party was still buzzing at 3 AM, I slept in a hut because I'm have heaps of weenie vibes.
  7. It was 6 and I realized I dozed off still on my swimwear and hugging my stuffed seal.
  8. They told me I was drunk
  9. Whut
Aside from the title of this post, another awkward thing is typing the word drunk, which I knew from myself was very unlikely of me. I can't say anything more when people are about to find out.

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