Cheers to summer 2013!

4:08 AM

As much as we want to put the universe into a pause and savor the last day of summer,well we just can't,unless if you have Adam Sandler's remote control.It's been a good season for me and I won't change a single thing.
Well let's see what kind of things I've been doing for the last two months:

  1. Went to Hong Kong and Macau as my first outside the country vacation
  2. A lot of crazy amusement park rides
  3. Hogged in every hotel buffet hence my surprising realization that my jeans are too tight on me
  4. crafts i've been dying to make and gave them to friends
  5. weekly dip on a pool/beach
  6. gone to a lot of parties; particularly a pool party where i crossed the bad-ass line
  7. late night rides around the city
  8. accumulated more than 60 hours of duty work as a register committee volunteer
  9. finished 3 books
  10. move to a new room 
  11. accidentally lost my iPod touch
  12. gained new friends 
  13. acted as a kindergarten teacher and man it's not that easy.I guess that explains the high tuition fee in schools.
  14. establish this blog.
I've committed to myself that I would stay at home doing nothing but watch movies and feed myself a good rest. Glad to say that I'm contented that it's been a productive summer although there are a few that I haven't accomplished because other better things came up.

Is it just me or the weather's is also mourning with us for the end of the hot season?Hahahahaha

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