1:21 AM

A single day with boyfriend's high school bud and their girlfriends ( Well there's just 2/4 us girls; others were out of the country and had other matters to attend to). We've been planning about this for a long time but with school in the way. Initially the game plan was just the two of us before he heads down for summer school and surprisingly the gang were brought back together..including girlfriends hahaha

We journeyed to Kaputian beach park which is located at the back part of samal Island for 1.5 hours by bus. The beach was opposite from crowded so we get to enjoy the beach for ourselves plus some local fishermen hunting for sea urchins.

Most of his friends I get to meet for the first time and we got along afterwards which was pretty cool. We chilled and shared stories in the sand whilst boyfriend was buried in the sand in a form of a mermaid, gone shell collecting and take pictures with local children while the guys struggling to finish a bottle of rum.

It's been a great time to meet and spend a day with these people, my first summer ka-HOHOLS (hang out hang out lol). I didn't regret ninja-ing out of the house to spend the day at the beach with them, even if it means getting reprimanded by the time I get home. Looking forward to another day with them--even more excited with more people to tag along.

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