Today // 040814

6:25 AM

 How's my summer so far?
Today has been productive: did another watercolor work, made pancakes and iced mocha with cinnamon (try it reaaaaly goood) and I also finished The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom which is a good read. Finally impressed myself that I can so a lot of things in a single day aside from 

Been broke since the beginning of summer and I've realized I would've done a lot of things. That's why every Tuesday or Friday I'd catch up with mom at the grocery and buy all the stuff I need for the upcoming days. It's been frequent of having no electricity at night and people would groan about how hot it is but I silently thanked because it's that time people would get their ass out of the house and interact with actual people which is way better. I kind of miss the kind of summer eight years back.

Also let e share some summer jams I'm currently listening too. Hope I can compile them to make my very first mixtape :)

How's your summer so far? :) Let me know! xx

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  1. Hey Pearl. Lovely note on the power-out at night to get everyone's buns outside for some in-person human interaction. Haha. Not to mention, the night sky looks extra lovely in the summertime. Have you noticed? Imagine that while tuning in to your playlist. Also, sadly I can't seem to view your photos in this post even after refreshing. I hope it's just a glitch and you'll get to fix it soon. Would have loved to see those visuals. <3

    My summer has a lot to do with building my design shop and writing/blogging. Doing as much as I can to share the lessons I learned about choosing art over everything in my life. And maybe, hopefully, it finds someone well.


    1. Hi Sofia! Oops sorry about that I'm on to fixing it! I kind of miss doing stuff when we were kids like sword flashlights( I Still do it until now no judging! hahaha) and stargazing as well!

      I'm trying to build this blog as well (high five!) and maybe show my watercolor works and see how I've progressed.
      And I'm really glad someone shared something here on my blog because I rarely(or even never) get these things hahahha yay *confetti



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