My Not-So Updated Updates

11:12 PM

Hello! It's been a while since I've updated this blog due to lack of time (as always) and there came a point I feel unmotivated to write anything here.But finally summer is here! So just a little update of what happened recently

  1. A new haircut and now I look like my senior high school self again
  2. Wardrobe makeovers
  3. Prepping up for summer as shown in the nails hehehe
  4. Keeping  up with journal updating and made my first birthday card for a friend Hoping I could make more birthday cards because it seems sentimental and hipster haha
 I made little summer plans in case I get moolah from heaven lol.Also, Been planning to practice watercolor more and maybe someday get commission work from it so yay! I'm pumped up!

PS: Pardon with the blinds-looking photo of me I uploaded it several times but it always gets bonkers

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